Erasmus University Rotterdam (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam)

University Colleges and Facilities
(Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Erasmus University Rotterdam is divided into three domains, and they are: Law, Culture, and Society; Economics and Management; and Medicine and Health. Despite their distinct separation, these domains are interconnected with some of their courses overlapping. This interconnection allows students to learn about the other disciplines while taking subjects in their own courses.

Law, Culture, and Society Domain

This domain is focused in global society research and tries to establish the connection between social and economic problems. Its academic training is grounded on ethics and philosophy. The faculties under this domain are Philosophy; History and Arts; Law; and Social Sciences.

Economics and Management Domain

This domain houses the schools of management and economics and is known for its research endeavors. Most international students come to the university to enroll in its management and economics programmes. The Tinbergen Institute and Erasmus Institute for Management are under this domain. They offer doctorate and post-doctorate programs for students and visiting professors all over the world.

Medicine and Health Domain

The Medicine and Health domain is known for its stringent training and education of the city's soon-to-be doctors and health practitioners. The Institute of Health Policy and Management and the Erasmus Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences belong to this domain.

Rotterdam University

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